
For the marinade:
50 ml of soy sauce
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp spicy babercue sauce
1 tbsp mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
For the chicken:
400 gr of chicken breast
1 white onion cut into julianas
1 red paprika cut into julianas
1 green paprika cut into julianas
1 carrot cut into thin strips
1 sprig of filleted chives
Olive oil


1. Let’s start our recipe by dicing the chicken. Make them medium so that it cooks easier.
2. Place the chicken in a bowl, and add the soy sauce, barbecue sauce, mustard, honey, salt and pepper to taste. Mix until everything is well seasoned.
3. Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and take to marinate for 1h in the fridge so that the chicken is well impregnated with all the flavors.
4. After that time, we are going to heat a frying pan or wok with olive oil and when it is hot we will proceed to incorporate the chicken to sauté it over medium heat.
5. We must seal the chicken but that it does not dry out, the idea is to saute it not fry it. To do this, we must constantly move it and cook it over medium heat. You can add two tablespoons of water to maintain the juiciness.
6. Once you have sauteed your chicken and it is juicy and almost cooked, you will add the carrots.
7. Then you will add the onion, peppers and chives. Mix and cook for 2 more minutes until everything is well sauteed and on point.
8. The idea is that the vegetables are crispy and not too soft.
9. Turn off and serve in the presentation of your choice.
10. Enjoy!

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