No Bake Mango Cheesecake


For the Crust:

200g graham crackers or digestive biscuits
100g unsalted butter, melted

For the Cheesecake Filling:

400g cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups heavy cream, whipped to stiff peaks
1 cup mango puree (fresh or canned)

For the Mango Topping:

1 cup mango puree
1 tablespoon gelatin powder
2 tablespoons cold water
Fresh mango slices, for garnish


Prepare the Crust:

Crush the graham crackers into tiny crumbs using a food processor.

Mix the crumbs with melted butter until well combined.
Press the mixture into the base of a 9-inch springform pan, smoothing it out evenly with the back of a spoon.
While you make the filling, chill the crust in the fridge.
Make the Cheesecake Filling:
Cream cheese that has softened should be beaten until smooth and creamy in a large mixing basin.

Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract, and continue beating until fully incorporated.
Gently fold in the whipped cream until the mixture is smooth and fluffy.
Fold in the mango puree until well combined.
Evenly distribute the filling over the prepared crust as you pour it on.

Return the pan to the refrigerator and let it chill for at least 4 hours, or until set.
Prepare the Mango Topping:
To bloom, sprinkle the gelatin over the cold water in a small basin and let it set for five minutes.

Heat the mango puree in a saucepan over medium heat until warm, but not boiling.
Stir the blooming gelatin into the heated mango puree until it dissolves completely.
Pour the mixture over the cheesecake that has set after letting it cool somewhat.
Return the cheesecake to the refrigerator and let it chill for another 2 hours, or until the topping is set.
Garnish and Serve:
Add some fresh mango slices to the cheesecake before serving.
The cheesecake should be carefully taken out of the springform pan.

Slice and enjoy!
Nutrition Information:

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Six hours and thirty minutes total (including cooling time)
Calories: Approximately 350 per serving
Servings: 10
Enjoy your delicious No Bake Mango Cheesecake!

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