Modus operandi of sweet meat, with apples and dried fruits


*Cubes of meat

* Onion, sliced

* spoon of ghee

* A pinch of ground cinnamon with a stick

* very little black pepper

* Assortment of dried fruits:

Aouina, i.e. dried plums, is indispensable
Then apricots, raisins, and maybe kiwi and others…

Two or three apples: preferably of the golden type
When the grains are small, it is better

* A cup of roasted almonds

* Half a teaspoon of salt

* A cup of sugar

* A cup of blossom water

How to prepare

We put in a cold saucepan in the cold:
Meat, a liter of water, onions and cinnamon
When heated, put ghee, cinnamon and a tablespoon of sugar on them

And leave the pot on medium heat

About three quarters of an hour keeping an eye on the water
If we need more, we add boiling water

Meanwhile, we wash the dried fruits and steam them until they swell and become soft

It is better to avert the plum a unit so that the blackness does not descend on the rest

If it is not possible to boil them, pass them in boiling water for 5 or 10 minutes

We also smell apple pieces after peeling and purifying them
Divide it by 2 or 4

When the meat is cooked, add apples and a variety of fruits
Except for the plums, we leave it on steam or in boiling water and not on fire.

Add sugar spoon after spoon every about 5 minutes

Until we complete the quantity and the broth becomes thick

Add the plums next to the fruits, and pour the blossom water over everything
Let it boil for about 5 minutes, turn off the heat and close the pot

Serve hot

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