
1 kg of chicken wings
1/2 liter of coca-cola
4 tablespoons of brown sugar
4 tablespoons of soy sauce
1/2 lemon
1 tablespoon of mustard


1. Pour the coca-cola into a bowl and mix with the sugar, soy sauce, the juice of half a lemon and a little oregano. Stir well.
2. Heat this mixture in a saucepan, until the sugar has completely dissolved.
3. Grease the baking tray you are going to use with olive oil and place the chicken wings, which you season to your personal taste and put in the oven at 150ยบ C and it will brown little by little.
4. When you see that the meat has already taken on a golden hue, pour half of the sauce and let them roast even more, for about 10 -15 minutes more.
5. Go checking the level of the sauce, and if it is reducing a lot add a lot more sauce.
6. Remember that you have to turn the chicken wings so that they are done the same on both sides.

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