Castella Cake Recipe


4 medium eggs, at room temperature
110g of sugar
2-3 tablespoons of honey
100g of strong flour


In a metal bowl, crack the eggs and add the sugar. Use an electric mixer on high speed to beat the eggs and sugar together for about 6 minutes over a pot of boiling water. The volume of the beaten eggs should increase by about 4 times.
Add the honey to the egg mixture and beat on medium speed for around 30 seconds.
Sift one-third of the flour into the mixture and lightly beat on medium speed. Repeat with another one-third of the flour, and then the final one-third, beating until well blended for about 1 minute. Avoid overmixing, as it can cause the cake to collapse or become flat.
Line a mold with parchment paper and pour the batter into the mold. Use a skewer to draw a zigzag line through the batter to remove any large air bubbles, ensuring an even texture in the cake.
Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the cake for 10-15 minutes until the top is deep brown. Then, quickly cover the cake with kitchen paper, lower the temperature to 170°C, and continue baking for approximately 55 minutes. To test if the cake is done, insert a skewer into the center and if it comes out clean, the cake is ready.
Once the cake is done, remove it from the pan and immediately cover the surface with plastic wrap.
Turn the cake onto a flat plate and while it’s still hot, place it in a plastic bag. Let it rest for 12 hours, allowing the cake to develop a moist texture.
Before serving, trim the sides of the cake. Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee, and for an extra touch of indulgence, add a dollop of Chantilly cream.

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