2 grated uncooked carrots
5 eggs
4 tablespoons of coconut oil (or other)
1/2 cup demerara sugar (or other)
2 cup oats
1 spoon baking powder
method of instruction:
combo the carrot, eggs, oil and sugar properly, allow it combination nicely until it turns into a juice-like liquid, add the oats grade by grade and blend till it becomes a easy and homogeneous dough, and sooner or later the yeast!! Bake in a greased pan, preheated oven at 210 degrees for 30 to 35 mins!!
insurance substances:
2 cup of milk
1 spoon butter
1 spoon cocoa powder
3 tablespoons demerara sugar (or different)
technique of guidance:
In a small pan or mug, permit the whole thing boil till it thickens and reaches the factor of coverage!!

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